Renowned Nasha Mukti Kendra Dhanas - 100% Recovery Rate
The New Generation Care Foundation Nasha Mukti Kendra in Dhanas aids in the fight against drug addiction. We are Dhanas' well-known and organized Nasha Mukti Kendra. The goal of our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Dhanas is to provide our society with practical health solutions. We also use cutting-edge and original drug addiction therapies.
The holistic approach to rehabilitation is the main focus of our Nasha Mukti Kendra in Dhanas. This is done to appeal to drug users who are not members of any one religion. Understanding the treatment process and having the ability to determine the sort of treatment that a drug should receive are critical skills for a rehab facility. The duty of choosing and carrying out the treatment falls to our rehabilitation center. But we can't accomplish it on our own. The patient needs to understand that he has to participate in his own care. With other family members and friends, the same is true. They must understand their role and how they might assist their loved one in leading a regular life once more.
All areas of an addict's life are impacted by addiction. The following are some critical elements of a person's life that are impacted when they develop an addiction:
- PHYSICAL DIMENSION :- Prolonged substance misuse and compulsive cravings have detrimental effects on your body's short- and long-term health.
- FAMILY DIMENSION :- Addicts deprive their children of their youth. Families of addicts frequently experience domestic abuse. Family relationships can suffer from addiction, and the impacts can be long-lasting. Everyone in the family, including the elderly and unborn child, is impacted by an addict.
- PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSION :- Some typical psychological repercussions of addiction include psychosis, the hallucination of infidelity, anxiety, dread of disease, depression, panic disorder, addiction induced to dementia, and Wernicke's encephalopathy.
- FINANCIAL DIMENSION :- Financial harms to an addict include work impairment, job loss, absenteeism, unemployment, money lost on the addiction and then on its treatment, and loss of personal property.
- SOCIAL DIMENSION :- Addiction lowers a person's productivity and is also regarded as one of the major causes of workplace accidents. Some of the prevalent flaws discovered in addicts include inappropriate behavior and approaches made toward them sexually. A person could lose their social standing.